Author: Stig

Meet Våge

A dragon that ascends where art, light-design, craftsmanship and attention to detail, gather. Opening /lights On for my latest work Ormen Våge i Re. 27 Sept. 20:15. Revetal. Våge is designer and artist Stig Skjelviks latest instalment and resides in Revetal, Norway. It guards a large multipurpose facility for children, that facilitates all sports and cultural […]

Lichtblicke, Dornbin Austria

I have participated in the nationwide exhibition Lichtblicke in Austria with Section A. All exhibitions were held at trainstations across the country, and my part was in the small town of Dornbin. Build and assistance for the exhibit was at  tischlereibereuter´s workshop in the fantastic austrian mountains.  

Nominated for two awards by Lyskultur.

Two of my projects in 2017 has been nominated for Best Outdoor Projects. The Lindeberg pedestrian tunnel for Oslo Municipality who contains two unique Dobpler installations using semi mirrors was done in cooperation with ÅF lighting and HOOS.                       The other project is the NBUnding […]


Omkranset av høye fjell og med utsikt til Blåfonna i Sogn og Fjordane ligger Naustdal med sine 2848 innbyggere ved Førdefjorden. Den nye barne og ungdomskolen er det sentrale området for lek, kultur og idrett også utenfor skoletid. Lysinstallasjonene Himling og Solverv er to av flere lys og audio installasjoner designet og utført av Nullohm ved Stig […]

Royal Quartz, Paris

  Togheter with Swiss Brandstorm for the luxury retailer of jewellery and fine watches. Royal Quartz in Paris.I created a timepiece of extraordinary appearance. A handmade crystal by a Swiss glass artist was incorporated with leds creating a magical glow. On the underside a mirrored analog like watch made of  leds and semi-mirror. When observed […]